Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ice Cream for a Fucked Society

Good Afternoon Guys,

I’m still recovering from the thrills of yesterday…and I’m not referring to any IRS matter! Yesterday when I came home from work, I hung out with an old buddy of mine. Our adventure became a mall trip and a trip to Panda Express and Rita’s Italian Ice Perfect combination right? —I had a coupon for a free ice regular. They didn’t have my favorite, passion fruit, at this branch, but I chose a Virgin Strawberry Margarita instead and it was DELICIOUS—I just don’t know what to do with myself!

Am I the only one that feels as though Rita’s is all of a sudden expanding? Lately, I’ve noticed a lot more shops, they’ve livened up their ads as if they’ve recently hired a new marketing director, and simply…they’ve become a lot more visible now! Cheers to a growing company—the more I can say is that I am and will continue to be a loyal patron so long as they keep producing these bangin sweet flavors!

Not to mention, my day ended with an impulsive trip to Six Flags America—we had just an hour before the park closed, but we got so much done its unbelievable. The lines were incredibly short near closing time and the whole night, I was just taken for a trip down memory lane. I saw a lot of my old co-workers and got the opportunity to illegally stay for an employee exclusive party where I …in a way (lol)…bungee jumped for the second and third time.

To cap a perfect night, I ate ice cream on a large waffle cone. The sweet was one of the richest and moistest I’ve ever tasted! Then I had a hot dog with a perfect serving of ketchup—I love my life!

Side Note:
I have a jaundiced eye for this bogus idea of not being required by law to file Income Tax Returns. Pilla’s book made reference to the situation, but his argument seemed to oppose the notion. HOWEVER, he never mentioned exactly WHY you should file either.

I guess this is to tell us that we should see this situation outside of lawful terms, like an authoritarian parent to child relationship—“Just do as I say, no questions asked!” That’s the world we live in people and I’m sorry to say this, but truthfully…our society is fucked.


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